
Apr 1 2021

How to cope with the Coronavirus epidemic, Dave Gordon’s thoughts

We are more than a year into this COVID-19 epidemic, and although I think we are beginning to see light ...

Mar 27 2021

Discharge Instructions: Do not leave the Hospital/Clinic without them!

I’ve often been asked by people what they should do after they have had a specific medical procedure. This surprises ...

Mar 22 2021

Enjoy Healthy Popcorn!

As someone who likes junk food myself, particularly popcorn, I must realize that there are healthier ways for me to ...

Jul 26 2020

The Car Maintenance Approach to Health

One analogy that I have found useful in thinking about your health is to treat your mind and body as ...

Apr 25 2020

The importance of getting laboratory tests done

Many patients are reluctant to get laboratory tests done that have been ordered by their healthcare provider. There are several ...